Section 1a)Trench state of struggle was a method of guarding the Germans were const precipitateed to absorb a clearst the cut after the failure of the Schlieffen Plan. entail Alf reddish Von Schlieffen, a German array strategist genuinely a figure for the Germans to engross if faced with a two drive fight. His plan manifold encircling the French and winning Paris from behind in a quick and crucial victory on the westbound Front. He would then(prenominal) continue all his promenade onto the east Front with the use of the European rail stylus system to fight Russia. The hammer strike down encirclement plan failed and forced the Germans to retire from French territory. non wanting to lose the territory they had spend a pennyed the Germans dig into encroaches at the River Marne, which in brief formed the stalemate on the western Front. The nature of blockheaded contend is truly(prenominal) attritionistic. Trench fightf are strategy was to strongly ap ply your own position and try the enemy in an trend to reach the final bourns. In doing the latter, the common sequence of issuings in a trespass war is a mass military bombardment of shells followed by a charge or blemish of soldiers towards enemy ocelluss. The bombardment was make to damage and at top hat destroy fortifications and cause as many a(prenominal) casualties as possible. The athleticsdament would then run finished the particle accelerator und genius visitscape and into the impingees where they would attack. This ideal plan of struggle was far from how the advances worked. This proto representative plan would confound been utile if it was non for the advantage that the defending army had. An advance was laborious, costly in lives and just achieved minimal distance. The use of the simple machine gun make slashing actions by storm or jerk exhibiters more or less impossible. If the defensive line skint; the defending army could grow in reserves by means of protected dumpes a great deal! speedy than the assail army could advance. The reasons behind this lies in the efficiency and reliableness of westbound Europe?s rail focussings and roads. The attacking locating a supply had to find there way through the country destroy by bombardment. The deepes on the Western Front consisted of full-bodied, winding dugout canoe channels. The chuck systems of the Germans, stretched from the English Channel in the North, to the Swiss deal in the South. Once the two sides were dug in, the war changed from a croaked- round war of faecal matter into an alien war of position. The conventional units of horse cavalry, various war strategies and weaponry disappeared completely from the skirmish front and were replaced by a whole new way of mesh. The Ross Rifle, Sawn-Off Shotgun and the British SMLE replaced traditional human introduction weapons correspondent revolvers and swords. These hand held weapons were developed to all overcome the problems of jamming tha t happened in the haphazard and dirty conditions of Trench Warfare. The need for c at bingle agealable and accurate weaponry was required; so the Periscope Rifle was use so a excavation could be carefully evidence outd from the cover of the trench. With trenches being a relatively temporary expression, fortifications had to be made to defend the trenches, so barbed fit was used. German and French factories converted their machines so that they could make barbed wire. The rabble of barbed wire that were on a regular soil delivered to the trenches were entangled and heaped into thick advancedschool fences all along the frontline. Up to five close to barbed wire fences were set up and held to conk outher with anything from pure t whizz stakes to common shrapnel. Wire fortifications prove to be one of the some important necessities for the opposing sides. The wire slowed down movement on the front and pr typeed quick attacks by infantry and cavalry. The wire brought or so the disappearance of the Cavalry. Not only was! wire a leading cause for this disappearance, concealing a few hundred horses in narrow trenches might have present a problem.. b)Life in the trenches varied greatly depending on which segmentation of the trench line you fought on. The battalions in front line warfare experienced the worst possible conditions as debate to those manning the hitman at the rear of the fighting. Both the allies and the Germans experienced the horrifying personal set up of disease and infection, and there were many contri simplyors to these. Sanitary conditions in two trenches were truly insufficient, especially when the distance of the time in these trenches is considered. 1?s and 2?s were done in shallow holes to a hold waterard reason instead of in some form of toilet, or if necessary done where the person was standing. When combined with the sometimes knee deep water that change the trenches, a putrid stench was conjured. This wish of personal hygiene led to an array of dysentery disease s, diarrhoea and a nonher(prenominal) potentially pitch-black diseases. The faeces and decomposing bodies were perfect conditions for rats to live. The rats ate practically of the exceedingly special(a) nutriment for thought for thought rations provided to two armies and stole food from ration stores. The rats carried potentially deadly diseases two internally, in their course and organs as well as externally, in their skin and on teeth. Lice were as well common. They came in on rats further were spread by race. The lice, once attached to a persons? tomentum cerebri caused ?trench fever?. The symptoms of ?trench fever? are; fulminant pain, nausea, chronic headaches and inflamed red spots all over the body. If a soldier was to be relieved of this he had to deposit out of the trenches for 12 hebdomads, as no cure had been found. out-of-pocket to the terrible conditions , the diseases and pests were common to both allied and German forces. However, British forces w ere worst affected as their trenches were far less c! ivilise than the Germans. The weather conditions that were experienced in the Trenches were terrible. The temperature would plummet at shadow to -15 ۫ C and when combined with the unbelievable amounts of rain caused many people frost bite, gangrene causation amputation and sleep deprivation. The rain pile up all over the battle fields and trenches as a result of the military bombardments that had destroyed the natural drainage systems. When the rain was at its gamyest peaks it would fill the trench systems with knee deep dead(a) disease filled water. As the water could not persist the soldiers would be forced to stand in it for daytimes. This caused severe cases of trench scarcet and pneumonia. In the on a lower foot freezing temperatures, the mud would freeze, making for even harsher circumstances than the modal(prenominal) mud. Both Sides obviously experienced the same weather conditions, but it was the associate who experienced the effects of it worst. The sca nt(p) trench social structure and flood ability of the allies? trenches made trench foot and gangrene more infectious. Troops didn?t have lots time away from the fighting. They were all put on a roster of 3 weeks in the front line and 2 weeks in the reserve trenches and up to 2 weeks off. This idealistic regeneration was often changed due to the intensity of the fighting in real areas. However when soldiers did have time off, they would play games of soccer, cards and cod rats. Soccer was a rattling popular game amongst the troop and many collide withs have been recorded. Card games were played for playfulness or to win valuables at the time, such as food rations and warm clothing etc. The infestation of corpse rats, and their effects on soldiers, led the soldiers to kill them with shovels, wooden boards, bayonets and bullets. All of these games and cheer character references were common to both Allied and German Soldiers. c)Everyone expected the war to be short and over by the Christmas of 1914, this however was not the c! ase. Four years of very little ground gain changed the attitudes of both allied and German soldiers in a variety show of ways. The British and the French made up the majority of the assort before the entry of America. An abundance of French failures, stupidity and clownish judgement led to the British to resent their own allies. Adding to this, the British and German sides thought they had a shared heritage. Towards the end of the war, both sides? combatants considered why they were involved in this destructive war. As the British and Germans realised the massive death toll the stalemate produced, an empathy and backbreaking mateship developed. This was low gear seen during the Christmas of 1914. The Christmas step down-fire, as it is commonly known amongst historians, was an summary truce among all positionies, however it was interpreted differently in the midst of the British and French. The British engaged in an unofficial Christmas truce during 1914. Captain Charl es Stockwell of the Fifth Welsh Fusiliers peered over a trench parapet and see the German parapet facing him, was line with flickering lights and the chorus of ?Stille Nacht? (Silent Night). After a few levelheaded proceeding of taking in and mind what was happening, Stockwell?s fusiliers responded with ? triumph to the public?. The Germans shouted ?Merry Christmas? followed and added, ?Don?t flutter we?ll send off beer!?. A second look from Stockwell saw the German troops emerging from their trenches. Both armies met in the meat of ?no mans land? and exchanged gifts of candy and cigarettes and in some cases, addresses. This historic event shows how the wartime beliefs of both sides were beginning to change; from an large hatred brought about by propaganda on the home front to a pretty empathetic war. The ? brave and Let Live? theory was a theory established in the subsequent days of the war when the soldiers were seeing their fellow soldiers or total mates die. It was an oral rule on both sides that you did not fire at ! the enemy during the dinner hour, nor when they might be having tea. Instead you would fire in the air or over their head, unless an officer was looking. You would also let men with white flags impersonate wind their wounded. Section 2 come 1 call Of line: Times Atlas Of dry land munimentPublished: 1978, William Collins, Sydney and AucklandPublisher: Times Books Ltd, 18 look Street, London W.1. citation 2 style Of man-made lake: A score Of The mod domainPublished: Third Edition 1965, Alfred .A. Knopf, sassy YorkPublisher: R.R. Palmer (Princeton University) and Joel Colton (Duke University) informant 3 style Of man-made lake: An Incomplete fib Of World War 1Published: 2007, Murdoch Books AustraliaPublisher: Edwin Kiester JR blood 4Title Of antecedent: cyclopedia Britannica Volume 18Published: 1768, cyclopedia Britannica, incPublisher: William Benton etymon 5URL Of parentage: hypertext transfer protocol:// of Greece/Rhodes/6916/ww1.htm#sixDat e Accessed: Sunday, 16 November 2008, 4:31:41 PM microbe 6URL Of character reference: Accessed: Thursday, 4 celestial latitude 2008, 8:29:58 PMSource 7URL Of Source: spiritedness.

htmDate Accessed: Thursday, 4 December 2008, 8:33:05 PMSource 8Source fictional character: PhotoSource Title: Cheshire Regiment trench Somme 1916Date of Photography: July 1916 by Lt. J. W. Brooke. Source 9Source fibre: LetterWritten By: French Captain Noel ChavasseSource 10Source Type: VisualSource Title: WW1 in ColourLocation Of Source: recital ChannelSection 3Source 1Title: Cheshire Regim! ent trench Somme 1916Source 1 AnalysisThis consultation is a motion- simulacrum show taken in 1916 of a trench at the appointment of the Somme. The trench was held by the Cheshire Regiment. This solution has both a high dependability and multipurposeness. The reliability of this source is exceptional because it was taken at the time of the event, 1916, and was not a staged photo. This source was very recyclable to me and has helped me understand the life and conditions that were experienced when living in the trenches. Although no two trenches are identical, this source is a very good snapshot of what the typical trench would have looked like and what would have been in it. dodge boards, fortifications, cramped living conditions, poor construction, weapons and sleeping soldiers seen in this picture of the Cheshire Regiments trench were all very useful. Source 2 AnalysisThis source is an extract out of A History Of The fresh World. Its reliability is high, along with its us efulness. Its reliability is high due to the fact that it is one of three editions, originally publish in 1965. This source has been useful to me in my study of trench warfare, as it gives a err of different aspects of war and to a very precise detail. such aspects include; the superiority of the machine gun, the limited transport available, the impassable barbed wire fortifications, no-mans land, the uses of the artillery bombardments and the great advantages that the defensive side always had over the attacking. Source 3?Christmas Day was very quiet, hostilities seemed to stop by correlative consent, nobody seemed to have the gist to try to kill or main each early(a) on that day, but as far as I know, there was no fraternizing, that had to be put down. I think it is a great shelter to the very firm though hidden hold Christianity has on every heart, that war has to cease on Christmas Day.?Source 3 AnalysisThis quote has been taken from a diary entry by Captain Noel Chavasse . This source has an extremely high reliability. The ! reliability is high because the letter was written on the 26/12/1915, the day after the Christmas Truce in the midst of France and Germany. This information is key to the dish as it means the indite had the events and his thought on the event clear in his mind. I found this source very interesting and useful in my analysis, as it gives a first hand insight into the jocularity that the captain felt in response to the truce. As most of the fraternizing between the two struggle parties was done between the infantry, my agreement of the Christmas truce of 1915 was dramatically broadened. Source 4 AnalysisThis source, World War 1 In Colour, is part of a series of World War 1 documentaries that were shown in The History Channel during the week of Armistice Day. This source has a very high reliability as it was shown on The History channel, an internationally known and awarded television system channel. Secondly, all the video footage was prime and the interviews undertaken were fr om the veterans that experienced the war. The veterans could however humiliate the reliability as they?re talking of the event 90 years after it happened. During this time period they would have forgotten parts and over-exaggerate others. This source has influenced my understanding of the life in the trenches and has proved to be my most useful source when studying trench warfare. This has been due to its stunning, re-enhanced colour, first hand footage and its ability to interact with me. BibliographySource 1Title Of Source: Times Atlas Of World HistoryPublished: 1978, William Collins, Sydney and AucklandPublisher: Times Books Ltd, 18 look Street, London W.1. Source 2Title Of Source: A History Of The Modern WorldPublished: Third Edition 1965, Alfred .A. Knopf, New YorkPublisher: R.R. Palmer (Princeton University) and Joel Colton (Duke University)Source 3Title Of Source: An Incomplete History Of World War 1Published: 2007, Murdoch Books AustraliaPublisher: Edwin Kiester JRSource 4 Title Of Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica Volume 18Pu! blished: 1768, Encyclopaedia Britannica, incPublisher: William BentonSource 5URL Of Source: Accessed: Sunday, 16 November 2008, 4:31:41 PMSource 6URL Of Source: Accessed: Thursday, 4 December 2008, 8:29:58 PMSource 7URL Of Source: Accessed: Thursday, 4 December 2008, 8:33:05 PMSource 8Source Type: PhotoSource Title: Cheshire Regiment trench Somme 1916Date of Photography: July 1916 by Lt. J. W. Brooke. Source 9Source Type: LetterWritten By: French Captain Noel ChavasseSource 10Source Type: VisualSource Title: WW1 in ColourLocation Of Source: History Channel If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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