
Saturday, August 31, 2019

American Ethic History

In the onset of the year 1776 that a writer named Thomas Jefferson conceived and drafted the Declaration of Independence. Such eloquent phrasing made it to be such a masterpiece in the history of political writing. The declaration, in its fight for democracy and sovereignty as it was besieged by Great Britain that time had constructed a way in which to breakaway and attain their freedom that is through the declaration of Independence.The Declaration of Independence consists of three parts; one is about the grievances that England’s King, George III had initiated, the second is the legitimacy of the revolt and third is the statement of principles concerning the rights of men. In which case, it was stated in the declaration that all men are created equal and has inherent right as endowed by the Creator to pursue a life of happiness, life and liberty.It illiterates that the government exists to protect these rights as given by the people but when thwarted, it is the right of thes e people to obstruct and alter these by creating a new government that will be in accordance to the principles, that is their right. It was through this declaration that the people of America were able to express their desire for equality and independence. Through this powerful remark as written by Jefferson that â€Å"all men are created equal,† that several race and nations alike were able to fight for their right as humans as it is inherently theirs.The phrase, not to mention the masterpiece itself has up to now, creates a great deal of impact to the people, especially to the oppressed so that they have something that they can hold on to in times of grievances and despair. Through these words, many people, countries and races suffering have been strengthened, as the words lit the fires for the battle ahead, for democracy and the right to be treated as equals. It is then a contradiction that the Naturalization Act of 1790 was proclaimed with the discrimination against race and sex.Naturalization Act of 1790 Naturalization is a process in which a person who has other countries of origin or birth is given the right to become citizens of the country. In the Naturalization Act of 1790, the Congress passed an act stating that any alien, being a free, white person can be a citizen of the country after two years of stay. The Act came to be when the Congress realized that the newly independent country consists of many different races, African slaves, the French, Native Americans, and other immigrants from European countries.With the right of citizenship, the selected few have the capacity to vote and exercise their right to make decisions. The Issue It is such a contradiction to the part of the Congress to discriminate the people in means of color. The others who are not given the rights to citizenshp are treated as inferiors. This is also the time where trade of African slaves are afoot and wherein women are not given the right to vote and work as they pleas e.It is then to that aspect that the Naturalization Act even though there is no naming of gender, in particular it only states â€Å"any free white alien† but with the deprived right of women to vote, the Naturalization Act for women is of no use to them. This onslaught of discrimination through the creation of the Naturalization Act is a contradiction to the Declaration of Independence that was uphold in July 4 of 1776, that all men were created as equals by the Creator and therefore shoulf live a life that is just and meaningful.To treat the Africans not to mention other races with a color different from theirs in a way that is no different from the buying and selling of an inanimate object is a violation of such constitution. To restrict women in doing household chores and caring for children without any priveledge to express their thoughts or without a means of independence such as freedom to work is also a violation to the constitution they once so proudly uphold. The Ro ot Cause Slave trading has been prevalent in the United States since the 17th century wherein natives from Africa are captured and sold as slaves.They served their purpose as they were forced to labor on productions crops that includes sugar, tobacco, coffee, and cotton. It was not until 1865 that they were given the rights to be a part of the country In the part of women suffrage, it took a longer time before women were granted the right to vote (1920’s). Women during that time are have no means to acquire education nor work. Like the slaves, they are treated as second-class citizen and not much was expected from them.It was a time where white male individuals were the only ones who was able to have the full grant of being citizens to the country. Conclusion In conclusion, one of the reasons that may come into consideration when thinking about the contradictions in American history maybe due to the influence of culture and strong tradition that occurred. During that time, th eir way of thinking was not that advanced and modernized so as to free slaves and give women the right to vote because that is a situation wherein they are not used to.It took a lot of time before thay can accommodate that into their minds that not only male and white persons are Americans. Africans and women had long been with them and in such time have proven their right to be a part of the country. In the light of today, some problems are still in need of a solution, it cannot be said that we have attained true freedom. There is still many who suffer due to discrimination of their gender and their race and that is a challenge to attain the true equality we all hope for. References Foner, Eric, and John A. Garraty, eds.(1991) The Reader's Companion to American History. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Gilje, Paul A. â€Å"Declaration of Independence. † Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2006. Kerber, Linda K. (1998). No Constitutional Right t o Be Ladies: Women and the Obligations ofCitizenship. New York: Hill and Wang. Kettner, James H. The Development of American Citizenship, 1608–1870. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,. Smith, Rogers M. (1997). Civic Ideals: Conflicting Visions of Citizenship in U. S. History. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Notes on Egypt’s history Essay

EGYPT TODAY Egypt started 5,000 years ago, and lasted for over 3,000 years, longer than most other civilizations in the world’s history. It lies between Africa and the Middle East. This ancient country holds a history of over 6,000 years. The Pyramids, the Sphinx, the tomb of young King Tut are just a few pyramids built to bury thre rich and the royal.. The majority of the population in Egypt lives in an area along the Nile River called the Nile Valley and the Nile Delta. As a result, many places in this region are extremely crowded, with several thousand persons per square kilometer. Egypt’s civilians today are mostly Ancient Egyptians, Arabs, Turks, and other peoples are blended in their ancestry. About half of the population of the Nile Delta are fellahin (pronounced fel-uh-heen), or peasants–either small landowners or laborers–living on the produce of the land. The average family of fellahin has four or five children, who start working as soon as they are able to do so. Most fellahin, especially the women, spend their lives in drudgery. The areas to the west and the east of the Nile River–the Western and the Eastern Deserts–only contain small settlements of semi-nomads–the Bedouins (pronounced bed-oo-in). They live by herding goats, sheep, and camels, or by trading–mainly with mining and petroleum camps, or with fishing communities on the coast. The Bedouins families are about the same size as the fellahin families, except that many Bedouin husbands have from two to four wives. THE HISTORY OF EGYPT GENERAL Egyptian history begins around 3300 BC. This was when the Egyptians finally had enough symbols in their writing to record history. From 3100 BC inscriptions created a way for later Egyptians. It was also the time when the pharaoh, King Menes, created Egypt by uniting the two parts of Egypt, also known as Upper and Lower Egypt, into a single kingdom. A series of strong and able rulers established a well organized government. The Sun God Re was the most loved god-figure at the time. Over time, authority began to disappear and Egypt was controlled by foreign princes. THE NILE No other civilization in the time of the pharaohs could compete with Egypt’s magnificent buildings, its wealth, or its long centuries of peace. To a large extent, this is because other civilizations did not have Egypt’s main advantage — its great river. For tens of thousands of years the focal point of Egyptian life has been the River Nile. Egypt is correctly said to be the gift of the Nile and Egypt’s two most important areas are the Delta and the Nile Valley. The Nile Delta is the heartland of Egypt. The ancient Egyptians believed that the waters of the Nile came from a â€Å"mysterious heaven of plenty†. All of Egypt depended on the Nile for water, food, and transportation. THE PHARAOH Pharaoh simply means â€Å"the one who lives in the palace†. Egyptians addressed their pharaoh as though he were a god with several forms. They thought he was more than human and addressed him with the names of several gods. The pharaoh’s most godlike names were â€Å"son of Re† and â€Å"giver of life like Re†. The Egyptians believed that no single name could express the greatness of their ruler. They also believed by serving the gods, the king helped the sun to rise every morning and helped the Nile to flood at the end of each summer. They believed that in return for the offerings of food and water that only the pharaoh could make, the gods would feed the souls of the Egyptians after death. The pharaoh’s power was almighty and unquestioned. As a matter of fact, just touching the pharaoh’s crown or scepter, even accidentally, carried the death penalty. The pharaoh’s chief duty was to build and maintain temples to the gods. PYRAMIDS AND STRUCTURES The buildings of Egypt that were mainly built 5,000 years ago were the pyrimids. All of them were built to contain the tombs of pharaohs. In the 27th century BC, the first pyramid was built and pyramids became the most  popular way to bury royalty. They were the earliest buildings ever to be made by precisely cutting and putting together great blocks of stone. In stonework, Egypt led the world for more than 2,000 years. PICTURES AND WORDS Important Egyptians were wealthy enough to build magnificent tombs and furnish them richly with treasures, inscriptions, paintings, and statues. Egyptians did not paint images to show what people were really like, instead, a picture was a kind of diagram. To preserve the magical power of their art, the Egyptians believed they must copy exactly the style handed down through the ages. This meant that most artists painted in the same way, and the people they painted all looked the same. Tomb pictures were closely connected with Egypt’s famous picture writing, or hieroglyphs, invented about 5,000 years ago.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Goal Setting and Time Management Essay

Learning to manage one’s time effectively and to set appropriate and reachable goals is important for becoming a successful student. Setting goals will help you to become more effective in your academic life and career, and balancing your goals every day will help ease stress. Each of us is motivated by something, whether it is the desire to excel academically, find a better paying job, or simply learn. This motivation is what helps gear us every day to do the sometimes difficult tasks we face on the road to success. By understanding our motivations, we can stay motivated to reach our goals even when we feel stressed or rushed. But how do we go about this? First, evaluate your motivation. What do you want to achieve by attending school? Why is achieving this important? Think on a larger scale and get more specific. For example, if your motivation is to start a new career, begin examining why this change is important to you. Do you want to make more money? Maybe it’s to provide a better lifestyle for your family. Do you want to work in a particular field? Why? Begin making a list of goals and personal motivations. Secondly, once you’ve evaluated why you want to achieve your goals, think about what the needs are to achieve them. Think in terms of a large, medium, and small scale. In addition, these goals might be set for the short-, mid-, or long-term. You must prioritize your goals by importance; larger goals can be divided into smaller goals. This will help keep your goals in focus and manage them so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Using the acronym SMART is a great way to keep your goals in focus. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. The goals you set for yourself, no matter how big or small, should be specific. Avoid making vague statements like â€Å"I’d like to do well in school.† Instead, define what well means and specify what that would look like. A specific goal would be â€Å"I’d like to maintain a 3.8 grade point average.† In addition, your goals must be measurable. As mentioned above, your goal must be specific so you know exactly what the manifestation of your goal will look like. You must also consider how you will measure if you’ve reached your goal. Using specific numbers or deadlines can help you measure your goals. Remember that your goals must be attainable. Setting goals that are impossible to achieve or have an unreasonable deadline will only be discouraging. Creating small, manageable tasks that lead up to a larger goal is the best way to stay motivated and achieve your goals. Setting goals that are not relevant to your larger goals or do not provide any sense of accomplishment is also counterproductive. If you have many small goals that relate to your home life, when all your larger goals pertain to your career, you may end up feeling discouraged and may not accomplish all you’d like to. Try to tie your goals to a timeline. If you do not accomplish a task in full by the end of your timeline, you can always continue with a new timeline, but providing a deadline for yourself will help keep you motivated and accountable. Once the goal is reached, use small motivators that are important to you to keep spirits high and moving toward your major goals. The small motivators can be something as simple as an ice cream sundae after a major project, or a nice dinner after completing a course. Whatever the motivator, make sure that it motivates you to keep at the task at hand. Remind yourself often of the goals you have set for yourself and the rewards you have set up along the way to keep it at the forefront of your thought process. Once you have your SMART goals, there are many ways you can note and keep track of your goals. Staying organized will help you reduce stress and track more easily. If you are organized and prioritize important tasks first, you can avoid the stress of having to constantly address issues and last-minute problems. Being organized can also help you avoid missing details or important information in a task, which could result in having to repeat the task or spend more time fixing an error. Use all tools available, including technology where appropriate, to help organize these goals. Today’s smartphones are a great way to organize your goals and keep track of the timelines set to accomplish them. They are with you all the time and allow you to make changes and updates quickly. More traditional day planners are another way you can stay organized with your goals. Whatever method works for you, stay diligent and you will find it beneficial to the success of your SMART goals. Spend quality time on a task and you will be less likely to have to fix it later on. Don’t spend your time making lists of daily tasks like brushing your teeth; instead, focus on tasks or goals you’d like to achieve. This can be daily, short-, mid-, and long-term goals. Break down your time into intervals, with time set aside for specific tasks. Leave time at the end of your day to address tasks that may have come up that are not in your schedule or to address tasks that had to be moved to accommodate an urgent matter. When determining what time to spend on what task or goal, it is important that you understand when you do your best work. If you are a morning person, consider scheduling more difficult tasks and goals around this time, rather than in the evening when you are tired. Maybe you do great work in the afternoons. Try to arrange your schedule so you can complete tasks around this time. Not only will your work quality be better, you will be more efficient in completing it. Some people choose to do a daily journal, noting their progress on each of their goals. Others might make to-do lists, which they can check off with each completed goal. In addition, you might find a calendar system helpful. Try out a variety of methods to see which works best for you. Sometimes a combination of methods might end up being best. There is no right way to track and manage your goals, but finding a method that works for you is important for success.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Race and The Death Penalty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Race and The Death Penalty - Research Paper Example Now, in United States of America death penalty of color is a predominant phenomenon. In this country, the blacks in the death row are very high in number. the In the recent years the Supreme court of the United States also rejected the application of statistical studies that claim bias of race as the prime reason for the purpose of overturning the death sentence (The death penalty is applied unfairly and should not be used: Disagree). 1.2. Relevant statistics Color of defendant and the skin color of the defendant are crucial factors in the death penalty of the Americans. Since the year 1976, the people with variations in skin color accounts for around 43% of the total executions. Still 55 % of the executions are waiting. The jurisdictions in which there are highest percentages of death penalty are US military which is â€Å"86%, Colorado which is 80%, US government which is 77%, Louisiana which is 72% and in Pennsylvania which is 70%† (Race and the Death Penalty). It has been found that white victims have accounted for around one half of all the victims of murder where around 80% of all the capital cases included people of white skin. In October, 2002 â€Å"around 12 people have been executed where the defendant was white and the victim of murder was black† (Race and the Death Penalty, 2003). Around 178 defendants convicted for murder were black along with white victims. In the month of January 2003, researchers in the university of Maryland governor revealed that the defendants who killed white persons were prone to death sentences. In August 2001, the supreme court of New Jersey released that they were more likely for proceeding against the defendants killing the white victims. In the month of April 2001, a group of researchers from the University of North Carolina published a study of all the homicide cases in North Carolina in the time frame of 1993 to 1997 (Race and the Death Penalty). From the figures of US department of Justice the figures reveal that from the period of 2001 to 2006 around 48 percent of defendants in the cases where death penalty were sought were of the African American origin (Does a person's race affect the likelihood of him/her receiving the death penalty?). 2. Reasons for disproportionate death penalty 2.1 Domination of white in the criminal justice system The criminal justice system of America and its internal mechanics is vehemently controlled as well as dominated by the white people. The death penalty can be symbolized as a control of the white over the blacks. The black males who flaunt a threatening and defiant persona are viewed as subjects of death sentences provided by the middle aged white male prosecutors (Does a person's race affect the likelihood of him/her receiving the death penalty?). But we will highlight our focus to a different trajectory which will yield a bit surprising results. 2.2 Blacks commit more crime American civil rights activists and Baptist minister Sir Jesse Jackson states that in Alabama (a state of United States of America), the African Americans form 25% of the total population of America and of Alabama’s 117 death row inmates, around 43% of them are of black origin. Although it highlights that the African American are more prone towards death row but one of the reasons is also that the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Compulsory Land Acquisition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Compulsory Land Acquisition - Essay Example By the term public uses means, it can be for setting up educational institutions, health centre, widening roads or site for airport construction, etc. The issuing authority generally is central government but if motive is restricted to only particular state then state government handles the matter. Through government, sometimes societies registered under societies registration act2 or co-operatives under co-operative societies act also can participate for land acquisition. Before going into detail it is better to get acquainted with some important terms. "Date of acquisition" is the date on which a notice of acquisition in relation to land is published in Government Gazette. Or, if an interest is acquired by agreement, the date on which the interest vests in the Authority pursuant to the agreement3. Notice of intention to acquire is a notice that authority must serve upon each person who has an interest in the land, or is empowered by the purpose of special act to sell and convey or grant and release or lease such an interest4. Notice is not required in certain special cases like, if interest has been publicly advertised for sale and authority is sure about its availability by the time they want to acquire it. Property is located at General Holmes Drive, Botany and owner of that is Nice Corner Pty. Ltd. ... "Date of acquisition" is the date on which a notice of acquisition in relation to land is published in Government Gazette. Or, if an interest is acquired by agreement, the date on which the interest vests in the Authority pursuant to the agreement3. Notice of acquisition, according to this act means a notice regarding an interest in land publishing in the Government Gazette. Notice of intention to acquire is a notice that authority must serve upon each person who has an interest in the land, or is empowered by the purpose of special act to sell and convey or grant and release or lease such an interest4. Notice is not required in certain special cases like, if interest has been publicly advertised for sale and authority is sure about its availability by the time they want to acquire it. 3) Land Particulars Property is located at General Holmes Drive, Botany and owner of that is Nice Corner Pty. Ltd. That specified area measures 1 Hectare. Site is mostly commercial. Commonwealth has found interest on this property after seeing its best location nearby airport which can serve the purpose of recent airport and planned runway extension. Owner has Development Consent approval (DA) for a building. Before lodging DA, stage 1 of the building was leased by Cool Parachutes Pty Ltd. for an initial duration of 15 years with two 5 years options. As per the tenders received it is expected that commencement of this agreement will be from 1st November, 2007. 4) General Description The site on General Holmes Drive, Botany joins a rail corridor on the edge of land which is favorable for airport uses. Land has several improvements. Stage one is a steel framed building of 1500 square meters, he purpose of which is to accommodate lessee's

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cold War Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cold War Politics - Essay Example This mutual distrust assumed the shape of a rivalry between the two countries in the post-World War II period, and is popularly know as cold war - an era of neither peace nor war. According to Prof. Perkins and Deusen (19985), these differences between the two powers were inevitable because "their objectives were widely different: on one side was the idea of free society, on the other an iron despotism; on one side was an economic system which put the major emphasis on the ingenuity and enterprise of the individual, on the other an economic system in which the state controlled virtually the whole economy" (p.666). The Truman Doctrine: The first important step in the direction of combating Communist danger was taken by President Truman in March 1947, to check the ever increasing intervention by the Communists in Greece. The Greeks had been liberated from the Germans in 1944 by the British Troops. In 1946 elections were arranged under an International Commission to install a popular government in the country. In these elections the Rightist Party won a substantial victory.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Caffeine and the Brain Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Caffeine and the Brain - Term Paper Example Generally CNS stimulants are addictive. The drugs that fall under this category include nicotine, methamphetamine and caffeine. Dextroamphetamine and Methylphenidate are prescribed medications. They are used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). They are also used to treat narcolepsy. Overdose of these drugs can cause hallucinations, fast breathing, weakness in the muscles, aggressive behavior, coma, among other effects. If these drugs are taken in large doses or over a long period of time the user may become addicted to them. Many over the counter pills used for treating headaches have caffeine as their main ingredient. Pills that also help the user to stay awake for a considerable long period of time also list caffeine as a major ingredient. Other common uses include diet pills and medication for the common cold. The concentration of caffeine in these common medications is less specific than those of prescribed drugs. Caffeine produces similar symptoms like those caused by prescribed stimulants. Even a small dose can affect the brain and nervous system. It also acts on the heart, bladder and muscular movements. Ingesting small doses, however, does not result in problems. Persons who take coffee everyday take a longer time to get a certain effect when compared with non drinkers or occasional users. Larger doses can result in nervousness, palpitation, nausea, insomnia and headache. There are other adverse effects associated with larger doses. Persons using the drug for the first time and ingesting large doses may end up having caffeine jitters, convulsions and even tachycardia. Taking extra large doses of the drug can be fatal. Taking more than 5,000 mg at any one time or at short intervals will be fatal. Studies have shown that a daily dosage of up to 400 mg per day is unlikely to cause any adverse effects (Nawrot et al.), except for women who are considering pregnancy as well as children. The adverse effects high

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Consider a local business whose services you frequently use. What are Essay

Consider a local business whose services you frequently use. What are the main components of this company's business model - Essay Example Through these components, the business has managed to create an effective business model giving it a competitive advantage over its competitors since the products produced are of high quality and at a considerably lower price. The business currently implements the joint-stock venture form of business organization where their main suppliers and distributors are ventures in the business thus the cost of production and consequently the price of their products is lower than the competitors’. The business gets into business ventures with its suppliers and other parties of interest in the business to decrease the cost of operation and hence deliver products at a relatively low price thus increasing its overall sales and profit. By so doing, the business ensures that it is the main shareholder and owner of the business but only splits earned profits with the other ventures. Unlike the partnership form of business organization, the business does not distribute its shares among the ventures but instead only distributes the profit earned thus the business owner retains ownership of the business even when the ventures dissolve their contracts. The form of business organization is also beneficial. When the business ventures decide to leave the agreement, the business does not need to be dissolved in order to complete the request, thus it is easier to add and remove ventures from the business contract hence more flexibility for the business to adapt to changes and customer demands to increase /retain a competitive advantage over its competitors. Compared to a sole proprietorship, the form of business organization implemented by the business is advantageous in that the operational costs of the business is shared among the ventures thus the business owner does not bare losses or the burden of meeting the business’s operational costs alone. This is important since it

Saturday, August 24, 2019

An Ethical Dilema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An Ethical Dilema - Essay Example The person spent hours using the company phone lines in setting up of doctor’s appointment or making phone calls to their friends who are from different side of business on company time. Even when the person was in state of using internet in office computer, he had an interest in surfing to different social networking sites on company’s valuable time. His friend was obsessed with his behavior because it resulted in low performance. The same colleague used to have longer conversations with other colleagues which were irrelevant and had nothing to do with business. The situation did not offered his friend to report this unethical behavior to his supervisor because the person was his dearest friend and he did not wanted the company to take actions against his colleague. Due to his positive nature, the colleague started to continue the behavior excessively and always made his friend involved in his conversations. This also had a negative impact on his performance as he was unable to meet deadlines with the work. Answer 2: If I put myself in the role of an employee that had to deal with his colleague’s unethical behavior, I would have reviewed code of conduct and the company’s philosophy regarding the attitude of that employee. I would consult with my other colleagues the particular situation without revealing the name of any person in the scenario. This would help me understand rules of the company regarding an unethical behavior to conduct personal business on company’s time. Then simply I would pay visit to my colleague and let him know of his unethical behavior which is ruining the culture and philosophy of the organization. I would make him understand that his particular behavior is inflicting my performance curve with greater margins. I would make him realize that the company pays its employees for the work they have performed instead of doing personal business (Rhodes, 1986). If still the matter persisted with consistency, I would approach an ombudsperson that is charged with the duty of handling informal complaints from the working staff. This would allow me to make complaints against any employee regarding their behavior without revealing my name. These complaints are made confidential and the company assures employees’ anonymity in the case. This is also considered as the whistle blowing concept in which an employee has a right to share the wrongdoing practices happening within the firm to his manager and supervisor. This act would only be possible if actions made by a colleague are recognized as an unethical behavior. I would not be taking actions if the behavior would not have resulted in decrease in my performance (Garber, 2008). Answer 3: Ethical dilemmas often do not have clear responses unless the person has broken the law or regulations that are governed by the organization. The concept of integrity is to make correct choice between right and wrong. Individuals can make good decisions in this case if they have been prepared for the particular situation or their ethical base is strong. A person who commits to integrity will find himself in a right situation before it requires action against an ethical dilemma. In the above case of ethical dilemma, an employee had to make corrections with the colleague’s behavior. He had to make up his mind that the behavior he was pursuing was unethical and is resulting in low

Friday, August 23, 2019

Sociology of Law and Punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Sociology of Law and Punishment - Essay Example Norbert Elias suggests that civilisation transform human habitus so that violence in all forms is gradually subjected to greater and more sophisticated forms of management and control. 'Decivilisation' according to him, encompasses processes which produce an increase in violence and a breakdown in the stability and consistency of social relations. What remains unexplored is the extent to which attempts to bring about civilisation, have revolved around essentially violent policies and practices (Robert van Krieken, Abstract, The British Journal of Sociology, Volume 50 Issue 2). Nils Christie, in Crime Control as Industry, suggests that the spiralling prison populations, particularly in the United States, represent a move towards gulags western style, in much the same way that Zygmunt Bauman saw modernity itself as creating the possibility for the Holocaust. For Christie the current 'gulagisation' of the West is not an aberration of modern society, but something that occurs naturally within it. Pratt's book suggests that man may be moving into an area of penal control that takes one beyond the gulag. The gulag it says may not be a sufficient modality of punishment to absorb the punitive sentiments of modern societies. What we find is the supplementation of modern penal sanctions by new forms of legal and extra legal punishments. For Christie, there is hope, that at some point, good sense of the ordinary people will prevail and counter the trends that the forces of modernity made possible. It is argued that there is no goodness to human values and public sen timent: unleashing them may only add to the spiral of penal control (Beyond gulags western style A reconsideration of Nils Christie's crime control as industry, Abstract, Pratt. J). 2.0 Introspection Elias offers a particular paradigm for sociological thought which opposes both the structural-functionalist and methodological-individualist tendencies in sociology. The concept that he developed hoped to severe and expose many of the central dilemmas in sociology, especially the opponents of action and structure, individualism and society. Elias' 'Civilising Process' is contentious, and overlooked with suspicion. Elias deviates from the more fashionable trends in sociology to dig deep into retrospection and seek the unknown. His writing has been a source of ideas and has appealed the senses of those who crave for the unknown. Commentators have veered between two theological pointers; an uncompromising acceptance or ungenerous rejection. His work frequently is a contradiction between supposedly admiring 'followers' and critics. To appreciate Elias, one needs to steer a path between the lines. His handling of human issues; emotions, attitudes towards the body, sexuality, socialisation, and so on, reflected a balanced and systematic approach. His analysis of the human mind is of significant relevance in the context of his larger-scale processes in State formation, urbanisation and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Synthetic Rubber Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Synthetic Rubber - Lab Report Example During polymerization the double bonds of the isoprene monomers give way to single bonds which will lead to further increase in length of product chain. Butyl rubber-also known as polyisobutylene (C4H8)-is a synthetic rubber and is produced by polymerization of about 98% of isobutylene with about 2% of isoprene (Wikipedia, 2006) using BF3, H2O, CH2CL2 as reaction activators under -78C temperature. e.g Similarities and Differencies: In both natural and synthetic rubbers production, the monomers can be mixed in various desirable proportions to achieve a wider range of physical, mechanical, and chemical properties through the use additive. The formation of natural and synthetic rubbers are three step Free radical eliminations and substitutions reactions. Both Natural and synthetic rubber reactions require protectants against deterioration during the coagulation and drying (CIWMB). 2. In its natural form rubber is too soft to be used for any useful purposes.Natural rubbers tends to be sticky and soft at high temperatures; while at low temperatures they are brittle and stiff, making them difficult to process. This is due to a high degree of entropy. Therefore, its properties were improved using special processing techniques. During vulcanization, or curing, of rubber, individual polymer molecules are linked to other polymer molecules by polysulphide

Too Far Ahead of the IT Curve Essay Example for Free

Too Far Ahead of the IT Curve Essay Over the years Peachtree had grown from a single hospital to a regional network of 11 institutions. With over 4,000 employees and a million patients Peachtrees IT infrastructure has not kept up with their growth. The current IT system is not reliable, efficient and secure. The company mission is to provide quality, consistency and continuity care across the entire network delivered with efficacy, economy and respect for patients and staff. In addition, unlike the healthcare industry which moved to standardized care, Peachtree believes its focus should be on the selective standardization. In order to achieve its objectives, Peachtree needs to overcome its failing IT infrastructure. This could be attained by implementation of SOA based system since it best aligns with the companys business model, mission and goals. Another recommended step is that Peachtree turns toward an incremental implementation of SOA. Peachtree should retain what still works and adds value to the company and replace only the most inefficient parts of the current system. Finally, standardizing only certain areas of clinical treatment could provide efficiency and cost savings and at the same time would allow doctors to make the final call, so the quality of care and patient safety wouldnt be compromised. Current Situation During the last 12 years Peachtree had grown from a single teaching hospital to a regional network of 11 healthcare institutions with additional support facilities. All 11 healthcare institutions have different size, purpose, history and culture. Each hospital has its own IT system and is doing things differently. As a result, Peachtree is encountering a problem with its incompatible technology that creates many problems and inadequate performance. The consistency and continuity of care across entire network is compromised which is not consistent with Peachtrees goals. In addition, Peachtree current system is not reliable. Reliability is crucial for the company, since the doctors and patient depend on it, and the system is very important for carrying out the companys mission. Another related issue is that a lot of time and budget goes into maintaining the current system. The  support and control of the current system is very difficult, and its not cost efficient. The more Peachtree grows, the bigger that problem will become. This is not consistent with companys goal to deliver care with the highest level of efficiency and economy. While the healthcare industry has moved towards standardization, Peachtree has resisted. One advantage of the current system is that it doesnt enforce blanked standardization, but provides flexibility. It gives the physicians freedom to form their own judgments about which treatment to use for which patient. This ensures quality care and respect for patients and stuff which is part of Peachtrees mission statement. Yet, many areas of clinical treatment could safely be standardized around best practises without compromising patient safety and quality of care. Moreover, in some operational areas, standard based system could create efficiency, cost savings and higher quality products. Criteria In order to ensure that Peachtrees IT system is aligned with companys strategy to provide quality, consistency, and continuity of care across the entire network delivered with efficacy, economy, and respect for patient and staff, Peachtree needs to consider the following criteria when selecting its new IT system. 1. IT system runs smoothly and reliably. 2. IT system provides high level of security. 3. System is cost efficient. 4. System is user friendly. 5. System allows for selective standardization. 6. Clinical information could be completely computerized. 7. System allows for tracking of care performance and patient outcomes. 8. IT infrastructure is consolidated. 9. System is flexible and allows doctors to make the final call. 10. System allows for continues improvement. Alternatives and Recommendations: 1. Implement Monolithic IT System. Pros: Allows implementation of standard procedures across all hospitals. Little risk of system failure since costs, challenges and benefits are known. Allows doctors to work together. Provides single set of systems and applications. Cons: Requires more time to implement. More expensive: $500 mill + Redesign acquired facilities. Limit doctors independence. 2. Move to SOA based system. Pros: Allows for continues improvement. Provide opportunities to access, adjust, redesign reprioritize along the way. Quick. Flexible in $ ability to integrate new facilities. Allows replacement only of certain inefficient parts of the existing system. Provides a range of standardization choices. Cons: Technology is untested in health care environment. Cost is undetermined. Benefits are uncertain. Risk is higher. 3. Make a full scale implementation of the new IT infrastructure. Pros: If the project is successful it could help the company to achieve its business goals. Cons: Cost could be substantial. Risk is high. Project is hard to manage and control. 4. Make an incremental implementation and replace only certain parts of the old system. Pros: Minimizes risk. Makes project more flexible. Makes project easy to control. Allows the IT to shift priorities and be more efficient. System reliability is not compromised. Allows replacement only of the most inefficient parts of the existing system. Cheaper than replacing the whole system. Cons: Deciding which peace of the infrastructure should be replaced may be challenging. 5. Implement fully standardized care. Pros: Easier to support and control. Better integration of applications. Lower cost. Cons: Could reduce the quality of care. Physicians may resist standardization. 6. Implement selective standardized care. Pros: Allows to standardized certain areas of clinical treatment safely around the best practises and at the same time provides the physicians with flexibility to decide on the treatment which is best suited for the patient. Increases efficiency, provides for cost savings and higher quality products without compromising patient safety and the quality of the service. Cons: Could increase cost. Could make difficult infrastructure improvements and coordination. Could lead to very complex system. Its recommended that Peachtree implements the SOA based system since it best aligns with the companys business model, mission and goals. SOA based system provides a range of standardization choices, reliability, flexibility and cost efficiency. It also allows replacement of only certain inefficient parts of the existing system. It is also recommended that Peachtree turns toward an incremental implementation of SOA. Peachtree should retain what still works and adds value to the company and replace only the most inefficient parts of the current system. This would be more cost efficient approach and would provide opportunities to adjust and redesign along the way. Also, by gradually installing the SOA, Peachtree and its doctors would learn about how the systems worked and â€Å"master† it in a sense as the infrastructure moved further. Furthermore, it is recommended that a selective standardized care is implemented. In that way certain areas of clinical treatment could be standar dized in order to achieve efficiency and cost savings. At the same time, doctors would be allowed to make the final call, so the quality of care and patient safety wouldnt be compromised. Risk Management Plan Since the SOA technology is untested in the health care environment, its implementation might be risky, but with a proper planning the probability for success is greatly increased. In order to ensure success with the implementation of the SOA based system, an oversight committee must be formed. The committees role will be to ensure that the new system aligns with the business goals and that the implementation schedule is followed. This will reduce the risk from project failures. Since the cost for the implementation of the new system is undetermined, Peachtree should be strong enough to absorb the hit if the technology project goes overbudget. Series of small, but independent projects could be run which will reduce not only the financial risk, but the risk of business  and technology change. This also will provide opportunities to adjust, redesign and reprioritize along the way. The oversight committee will also play an important role in preventing budget overruns. Yet, if the new system is total failure, Peachtree needs to be prepared to terminate the project. In order to ensure success of the SOA based system, Peachtree must carefully consider how the new system could be best aligned with companys current business practices. The management needs to determine what the system needs to do, which parts from the old system still add value and should be retained, which parts need to be replaced and which standardized. Again, series of small but independent projects will allow for project flexibility and adjustments along the way. Peachtree could use pre-fabricated SOA module coupled with customized modules to achieve the most basic and critical functions first. Since SOA allows for outsourcing, Peachtree could purchase a custom built service and focus on modules that best help the company to achieve its strategy. However, Peachtree is in an unique position since there is not pre-built SOA for the health care field. This may result in unexpected cost, but should allow for more customized modules making the achievement of the business goals easer . The health care industry is not competing on price, but its competing on product features, quality of service, delivery time etc. Thus, the quality care is very important for the success of the company. In order to maintain a quality care, the new SOA system must excel at reliability and security. Reliability is crucial for the company since the doctors and patient depend on it. Even a short downtime could be disastrous for Peachtree. In order to ensure reliability the new system should be well planned with respect to power failures hackers and hardware failures, and based on a single transferable platform to allow for efficient data sharing. By using pre-built modules, when possible, the system could be both reliable and secure. Furthermore, if outsourcing is used additional people would need access to confidential data in order to implement the process. Peachtree needs to research the outsourcing company to ensure the confidentiality of the patients. While the threat of new entrants, substitutes and bargaining power of the patients is low for Peachtree, the bargaining power of the doctors is high. Its possible that the doctors resist the change. Its very important that the capabilities of the new system allow for user friendly interfaces in order to appear to doctors. Peachtree could use inputs from the doctors and implement them in the new system to meet their needs.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Fundamental Extension In Morality Philosophy Essay

A Fundamental Extension In Morality Philosophy Essay In this essay I will try to explain and analyse the effects of the tragedy of the commons when dealing with a global ecological crisis. Moreover it will be observed how the tragedy of the commons prevents us from solutions to solve ecological problems which affect the world as a whole. I will try to put a focus on the economical problem of the tragedy and the solutions which have been proposed yet. The last decades have made it clear that our planet is on the verge of an epochal shift, different organisations dealing with ecological problems raised the alarm concerning the short- AND long-run future. It is well summarized by Al Gore: Unfortunately, in the intervening years, time has not stood still for the global environment. The pace of destruction has worsened and the urgent need for a response has grown more acute. ()The relationship between human civilization and the Earth has been utterly transformed by a combination of factors, including the population explosion, the technological revolution.() the worlds leading scientists, have offered increasingly dire warnings.2 Some wise, man already acknowledged this long before the status quo of ecological crisis in the modern world: () the white man does not understand our ways. ()he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. (), and when he has conquered it, he moves on. () His appetite will devour the earth and leave behind only a desert.3 Indeed the lifestyle of many societies is not sustainable, and has not been so even in ancient times. We just need to think of the fact that the roman empire 2000 years ago, during its thriving period was responsible for the destruction of the biggest forests in Europe. deforestation did not cause the Roman collapse, but that one could make a case as to being a part of it. 4   If we think of how small we are compared to the enormous, massive number of individuals in society, we could feel that we are insignificant members of a huge machine, which is moved by its self-enforcing and self-imposed rules. We feel insignificant and weak. (This kind of view is known in philosophy as Holism the idea that systems, in this case ecological and demographical systems, can only be explained as a whole and not a collection of parts. Moreover Holism states that society determines individuals and not the other way round) On the other hand we feel that it is not only our personal fault but also of the others who waste, abuse, exploit and prefer comfort to responsible and conscientious use of natural resources.(This will be explained better in the paragraph dedicated to the Tragedy of the commons) Garret Hardin 1968 Al Gore 2006 Chief Seattle,1854 Joseph A. Tainter, 2006 The Tragedy of the commons The tragedy of the commons was first described in an article by the ecologist Garrett Hardin published in 1968 in the Science journal. Hardin arrived to this dilemma starting his article from the concern of nuclear arms race between United states and the Soviet union during the years of cold war. His conclusion was that since our world is finite no technical solution is possible. What he means by technical solution is best defined by Hardin himself: A technical solution may be defined as one that requires a change only in the techniques of the natural sciences, demanding little or nothing in the way of change in human values or ideas of morality.5 Hardin only started from this concern to define a no technical solution problem , a category of dilemmas which cannot be solved in a technical way. The reason is that we live in a finite world and even technological innovations cannot solve the problem of exponentially growing population, that is why we have to assume a finite world. The tragedy of the commons is one type of this dilemmas as will be explained. Concretely the tragedy of the commons is the situation which emerges in social systems, which leads to over exploitation of common resources and therefore their destruction. As common resources affected by the problem we usually find things like non polluted water, air or environment in general; forests; but also clean streets, roads without traffic, fisheries resource, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ At the base of these resources is the fact that they all belong to the public good (or perfect public good for certain authors) category as defined by economic theory: A public  good  (or  service) may be consumed without reducing the  amount  available for others, and cannot be withheld from those who do not  pay  for it. Public  goods   include (), national defense, parks, and other things for the use and  benefit  of all. No  market  exists for such goods().6 As defined above these goods have basically two characteristics : Non- rivalry in consumption and non-excludability of potential users. They are basically opposed to the private goods which have the opposite characteristics; for instance food is a typical private good: there is rivalry in consumption as if one person eats it, it cannot be eaten by someone else. Certainly they are also excludable a as is evidently clear. We can summarise the types of goods in the following table: 7 We wont focus on Common goods and Low congestion goods (also known as club goods) since they are more technical and not of the concern of this paper. Hardin 1968   businessdictionary.com livingeconomics.org As stated in the introduction of this text, environment it a typical public good and people have an ambiguous feeling concerning protection of the environment as conscious behaviour. Regarding this last point we can observe a certain psychological process occurring in an agentsA mind and logic. Agents is the economic definition of individual. They are purposeful agents who interact in space and time and whose micro-level interactions create emergent patterns. (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) 8 The agent has two distinct feelings. The first one is a sense of injustice which can be summarized in the sentence Why should I care while anyone does not, and moreover enjoys the benefits of taking advantage of nature. The second reasoning going on in an agents mind is more rational. Furthermore if the person thinks of his utilityB he will end up noticing that if he chooses to protect the environment and act consciously he will not get the benefit (utility) of his actions (for instance a less polluted air) because anyway other agents will abuse the environment increasing their own utility. B. In  economics, the level satisfaction the person derives from a good or service. Utility is inherently subjective and thus difficult to measure(). Historically, it has been thought that one can  quantify  the utility of each unit, but some  economists  disagree with this. 9 Hardin makes the example of a pasture in the land to which everybody has access to. Given a group of many herdsmen anyone willing to increase his own utility and therefore revenues, it appears clear that one is better off having many animals than a few. If we imagine a rational herdsman taking decision whether to add an additional animal to his herd, he has two effects from the decision, one is a positive and the other a negative in regard to his utility. The positive is the fact that he will have all the proceeds from an additional animal. We can therefore imagine an incensement of utility equal to +1. The negative one is that the pasture is exploited more and more and will yield less. But since the herdsman is not the only owner but there are many, this negative effect will be shared with the others, it is therefore only a fraction of -1. 10 Since they are rational it is reasonable to add an additional animal but as all do so, the pasture gets ruined. Indeed this is due to the fact that the revenue is individualistic, the loss on the other hand is shared by all. Additionally each one is only applying his individual rationality which is different from collective one. Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his herd without limit-in a world that is limited. Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush10 At this point one could argue that after some years the herdsmen understand that abusing the pasture by over exploiting it leads to a worse outcome for all since it gets infertile and no one can profit from it anymore. But even if they do understand the mechanism of the dilemma it is very difficult to enforce means of controlling the others: pastures are huge and there are many animals, so how to distinguish one from another? If it would be conceivable to create such a control in the herdsmen case it would be even worse and unthinkable for cases like pollution. How to control every person who is dirtying the streets? Agreement to prevent polluting action is almost impossible, violators are difficult to catch because the agents are many and the damage produced by each action is relatively small and hidden. What is even worse is that violations are hard to identify not only because the group is big, but also fluid (lots of agents are in the place for a very short period of time) New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008 Farlex Financial Dictionary. 2012 Farlex, Inc. Hardin 1968 Conclusions As we have seen the tragedy of the common is the biggest deal preventing us to deal with a global ecological crisis. We know that the problem of each person will be asking what would change if they act in a conscious way, but the conclusion will only be that the environment gets ruined anyway and the individual will be worse off than when acting selfish. This is not only true for single people but also for entire nations. The latter concept is also known in international law as Transboundary damage: Transboundary damage can arise from a wide range of activities which are carried out in one country but in ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ict adverse effects in the territory of another. Traditionally, however, transboundary damage as a term of art normally refers to border-crossing damage via land, water, or air in dyadic State relations11, 12, 13 It is the idea that industrial or economic activity conducted by one country for its own sake creates damage for others. The technical definition is That large-scale industrial, agricultural, and technical activities conducted in the territory of one country can cause detrimental effects in the territory of another country or to areas of the global commons.11,12,13 The problem is still that: Everyone is waiting for everyone else to act first, the result being that no one acts at all.14, 15 Economic theory deals with this kind of problem as a market failure. As we said in the previous paragraph, public goods lead to market failures because a certain part of the cost of the action is not paid by the agent. For instance the cost of a polluted environment is not paid by the polluting industries. These agents are known in economic theory as free riders: Party  that enjoys a  benefit  accruing from a collective effort, but  contributes  little or nothing to the effort.16 General solution to the problem is to tax the agent who is creating the social cost so that he has to pay the price for the damage he is creating. This kind of taxation is known as Pigouvian tax, from the name of his inventor: Arthur Cecil Pigou What is different in our case is that we deal with a global ecological crisis so there is no global financial institution which could enforce taxation on national states. A particular solution which is interesting in our case is the one of emission trading. This refers to a system of tradable permit which can be bought on a market. Each permit gives the right to pollute a certain quantity, the outcome of the trading is unexpected: An industry whichs cost of reducing pollution is high might buy the permits, on the other hand an industry with low reduction cost for emission might reduce its emissions and sells its permits to others. The more efficient in reducing emissions are rewarded. This system is not only a theoretical one but was actually applied for the Kyoto protocol of 1997 about CO2 emissions. Still as stated above and previous to our times by Garret Hardin these are mostly technical solutions and will only delay the moment in which resources will not suffice especially with a growing population. Therefore a different approach is necessary, a shift in the way we act but fundamentally in what we believe to be the goal of our lives and therefore societies. Certainly one answer to the problem would be the one of the Ecologist view of the world. Green parties have been asking for reduction of emission and preservation of environment since the late sixties. The basic foundation of their claims is that human society as a whole should reduce its consumption and live a life which is sustainable. () the more fundamental response is to try to reduce or avoid those human activities that are seen as endangering sustainable development.17 We should demand ourselves if we really need all the material good provided by society and if this really makes us happier. Market economy states that the price is the value a consumer gives to a certain good. If he is willing to pay one hundred dollars for a good or service this means he values it exactly one hundred dollars of utility. But the question is does our happiness really depend on this? Because in the end, at the deepest layer it is just about it Happiness. It has been questioned if the relation with nature is only one sided or if it might be that our life depends from what nature gives to us : Weve heard copious accounts of our impact-as humans, as a society-on the natural world. But this is not a one-sided relationship. Lost in these dire and scolding accounts has been the impact on us and our well-being.18 This is Lambins view in his book ecology of happiness. Further he arrives to the conclusion that You sense it while walking on a sandy beach, or in a wild, woody forest, or when you catch sight of wildlife, or even while gardening in your backyard. Could it be that the natural environment is an essential part of our happiness?18 The answer is a positive one, we were born as natural beings but the development of modern society pushed us extremely far away from our original situation. We should really think if the direction our society is going will bring to a better life for all? Hanqin, Xue 2003 Crawford, James 2003 Bell, John 2003 G. Smith 2002 J. Connelly 2002 The Business dictionary Szarka, Joseph Eric Lambin 2012

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Event planning business plan

Event planning business plan Company Summary Occasions will be a small business designed to meet the needs of the ever changing social world. Jalandhar, Punjab is the current home with plans to expand to branch offices within four years. Occasions staffs of four, with numerous contract vendors, plans events, write event-planning products, and trains area students in the art of event planning. Occasions will be invested in the community it resides in. Occasions are, in part, the answer to demands of the social world, on the working family, heavily-burdened office, out-of-town business, or special occasion in need of special recognition. As a business, we understand the needs of public and private organizations. As parents and family members, we understand the needs of setting special time apart from other events in our lives. Occasions strives to accomplish these goals, in Jalandhar and eventually other areas of Punjab. Company Ownership Occasions is established as a sole proprietorship with the intention of selling the business when it is established to one of the employees invested in the vision of event planning. All aspects of the business will be documented to ensure clients can count on the same results every time. It is these documents that will become the basis of ownership. The sole proprietor will use his or her name as the guarantor of each service. Therefore, the sole proprietor must embody the vision and mission of Occasions. Company Locations and Facilities Occasions will be located inside the city limits of Jalandhar, Punjab. It will be a home-based business. Most meetings with clients will be conducted in social settings, such as restaurants, coffee houses, the clients home, facilities wishing to be used for the event, or over the phone. Although the demand has not yet reached its peak, Occasions will eventually move from its home base into a small office complex, also within the city limits of Jalandhar, Punjab. When the company has reached its finished point, Occasions will have branch offices in Amritsar, and Ludhiana also. The company will maintain a high degree of professionalism. All offices will be equipped with the latest in business technology, such as telephone systems, computers, fax machines, email, duplicators, printers, and software. Each location will have a secure storage area for supplies and equipment used in events, such as walkie-talkies, cellular phones, portable fax machines, and laptops. MARKETING PLAN Situation Analysis: Occasions is entering their first year of business. Marketing will be critical to develop sufficient business to achieve profitability. The company offers high quality event planning for family functions. The basic market need is for a competent service provider offering high quality event planning at a price that is cost effective relative to a company trying to plan the events themselves. Market Summary: Occasions possesses good information regarding its typical customer. This includes customer needs, the general circumstances from which the needs arise, and the difficulties the customer would face if they tried to satisfy these needs themselves. This information will be leveraged to better understand who is served, individual customers specific needs, better communication channels, and how Occasions can satisfy those needs. Market Demographics: The profile for Occasions typical customer consists of the following geographic, demographic, and behaviour factors: Geographic: Ã ¼ The immediate geographic target is the city of Jalandar. Ã ¼ The entire area is in need of event planning services. Ã ¼ The total targeted population is middle class and upper middle class families, couples and individuals. Demographics: Ã ¼ Nuclear as well as Joint Families. Ã ¼ Typically the company has one main office; however some of the customers will have offices diffused into several locations. Ã ¼ For corporate event plannings, 95% of the customers will be manufacturers and designers. Behaviour Factors: Ã ¼ The potential customers are trying to decrease their workload by outsourcing activities that are not imperative to the day-to-day busy schedule. Ã ¼ Such families like to get the events planned from some professionals because of the lack of knowledge about the market like availability of caterers, etc. Market Needs: Occasions is providing its customers with a high quality event planning services. Occasions seeks to fulfil the following benefits that are important to their customers: Ã ¼ Competitive pricing the pricing scheme must be competitive to offer an incentive for the customer to outsource these services. Ã ¼ Customer service the customer must get the sense that all of their needs are being met, regardless how small or inconsequential it may seem. SWOT Analysis: The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the company, and describes the opportunities and threats. Strengths: Ã ¼ Superior, specialized service offerings. Ã ¼ Well-trained, enthusiastic employees. Ã ¼ Strong relationships with complementary service providers. Weaknesses: Ã ¼ The concentration of a small niche of the market that will limit the potential size of the market. Ã ¼ The difficulty of generating awareness and visibility of the company in its first few years of operation. Ã ¼ The inability to rapidly scale to meet large, unexpected increases in demand. Opportunities: Ã ¼ Growing markets of families that outsource event planning activities. Ã ¼ Being a rare service provider concentrating on this specific niche. Ã ¼ Relatively low overhead. Threats: Ã ¼ A slump in the economy that could have a ripple effect on service providers. Ã ¼ Future competition from existing service providers competing in different but complimentary market spaces. Ã ¼ The inability to find qualified, high quality employees. COMPETITORS: The competitors of our business in Jalandhar are: Ø Pho Com Net Pvt. Ltd: This Company is basically based in Kolkata and provides event planning activities in Jalandhar as well. The company is only popular among the upper class families because of high costs that it charges and does not target the segments of middle class families. Ø Deep Wedding Planner And Event Management Com: This company basically deals in wedding planning found in Jalandhar. Ø Shamsheer Communications Pvt. Ltd: This Company is an event management company and it deals in media consultants services. Ø Canvas: This Company is an event planning as well as magazine advertising agency. Marketing Strategy: OCCASIONS will offer a superior service at a lower cost due to specialization. By concentrating on a few specific services, OCCASIONS will become proficient at these services and perform the services better than someone without the same level of expertise. OCCASIONS will increase company visibility through a website, networking, and participation in trade shows. The website will be quite detailed and provide a visitor in-depth information about the services OCCASIONS offers, the corresponding high level of quality, and the cost savings that can be achieved by using OCCASIONS. Marketing Objectives: Ã ¼ Increase repeat customers by 10% per quarter. Ã ¼ Decrease customer acquisition costs by 8% per year. Ã ¼ Generate increased awareness of services offered, quantified by a 2% quarterly increase of unsolicited service requests. Financial Objectives: Ã ¼ Profitability by year three. Ã ¼ Maintain steady, monthly growth. The following sections describe the market segmentation, strategies, and industry analysis. Market Segmentation: The breakdown of the market for event planning falls in a wide, very diverse grouping. Individuals as well as organizations demand the services we provide. In order to provide the greatest depth of information, the market segments have been broken down into private and public organizations, and age groups. Private Organizations and Businesses: Private organizations make up the single largest portion of Occasions client base. Private organizations such as businesses, corporations, and political parties host the most events on the largest scales; therefore, these events generate larger revenues per event. The majority of larger scale holiday functions will fall under this segment. Public Organizations: Government agencies host many events every year. Occasions hopes to alleviate the pressure of event planning for public employees. The second single largest segment, the public sector, can save money and give back to its community at the same time. These events are moderate in scale with middle to low revenues generated. Emphasis is placed on the visibility of the event for public viewing. The majority of organizational family functions will fall under this segment. Age Breakdowns: Under 24: Persons under the age of twenty-four (24) using an event planner are rare at best. We hope to tap the early college graduates who have begun their professional careers but have not yet started their families. These events will focus mainly on themes with moderate to high energy appeal. The revenues generated will range from moderate to high, depending on the event. The majority of weddings will fall into this segment. Ages 25-55: The persons that fall into this age group are employed, middle to upper-middle class families. The reason they choose event planners is they are too busy to do it themselves. Therefore, Occasions will be on hand for questions, contact will be moderate in length but occur regularly so as not to disturb the daily life of the families. These events will generate moderate revenues, with a few generating low revenues. The majority of special occasion planning will occur in this market segment. Ages 56 and above: Persons over the age of 55 have reached the turning point of life. Many are retiring, others are celebrating anniversaries of significant years, and still others are seeing that their childrens special events are taken care of. These events will generate moderate to high revenues depending upon the income level of the family (direct correlation to social status). Most holiday parties, and other special occasions, such as wedding receptions and reunions, will occur in this market segment. Target Market Segment Strategy: Our target markets are middle to upper-middle class families, couples, individuals, or private and public organizations. We chose these groups because they are most able to afford event planners, and have the least amount of time to spare for event planning in general. Families demand attention, employees are overburdened, and overwhelming detail needed to plan large events are too large a constraint to place on people not trained in the area of event planning. The fast pace of the world we live in leaves little time for extra things we would like to do, like plan events, parties, and social get-togethers. Occasions fills the need by being available to take on the burden of planning so that people can spend time on more important things, like family and friends. The demand for this service can only increase considering the rise in incomes, population, and need for interpersonal relations in the workplace. Marketing Mix: OCCCASIONS marketing mix is comprised of the following approaches to pricing, distribution, advertising and promotion, and customer service. Ã ¼ Pricing the pricing scheme will be based on a per project estimate tailored to each customer. Ã ¼ Distribution Occasions services can be performed throughout the Jalandhar regional area, determined by the needs of the customer. Ã ¼ Advertising and Promotion several forms of advertising and promotion will be used including a website, and participation at various tradeshows. Ã ¼ Customer Service the Company goes about the day-to-day operations with the belief that 100% customer satisfaction is required in order to make the business a success. All levels of the organization will be taught this and practice it. Sales Forecast: OCCASIONS will, for the most part, be using the sale strategy of personal selling. The members of the company will be building additional relationships with their network of friends generated through social groups and trade shows. The cost savings can be quantified and shown to the customer while the higher level of service can be guaranteed as well as communicated through testimonials from satisfied clients. The website will be utilized as a powerful communications tool, supplying introductory information to prospective customers, providing an avenue for questions and answers, as well as presenting more specialized information such as cost estimates and event proposals. The first month will be spent setting up the office. It is unlikely that there will be any sales activity within the first two months. During the first and second month, the company will be developing some systems to provide a template for future event planning. Once this is set up Occasions will be able to process customer service requests rather easily. The third month will see some sales activity trickle. It will not be until the fifth month that things will really kick in. During months six through 12 sales will steadily increase, and this increase should continue well into year two. Sales Strategy: Occasions will deal with a diverse market of clients. Within each market segment, closing of sales will differ. Each approach is described as follows: Private and Public Organizations: Sales will be concluded one to two days after the end of the event. A follow-up phone call will be placed informing the client of the total cost, number of attendees, and information about the billing packet that will arrive at their offices. Feedback forms will be included in these packets to ensure the client is being served as they deem appropriate. Form letter thank-you will be sent following each event. Individuals: Sales will be concluded with a follow-up phone call one to two days after the event. The phone call will explain the total cost of the event, number of attendees, and information concerning the billing. Individual parties of any age group are placed on a billing cycle. Invoices will be sent out the 25th of the month and will be due the 10th of the following month. Feedback forms will be included in these packets to ensure the client is being served as they deem appropriate. Thank-you cards will follow each individual event. Products and Services: Although Occasions is primarily a service business, we also offer products to aid our customers in planning the event themselves. The following products are tools used inside our operation for the best possible results: Party Pack: The Party Pack is a complete kit for any party. It includes decorations, lighting effects guide, disposable theme cameras, cutlery, plates, napkins, cups, punch mix (or recipe), snack supplies (or recipe), tablecloths, theme music (where applicable), invitations, thank-you cards, and a step-by-step guide to planning, putting together, and hosting the event. Step-by-Step Guides: These booklets include a calendar to map out the event, a step-by-step guide on what is needed for and how to put together a successful, worry-free event, resource information, popular refreshments with recipes, games, and tips to put their event in the record books. The events available include birthdays for all ages, meetings, retreats, parties, vacations, and special occasion celebrations such as graduations, holidays, showers, weddings, and receptions. Resources Manual: This valuable guide acts as a review for all the resources located in the surrounding area. A ranking is given to the various services, such as caterers, decorators, disc jockeys, bands, and facilities. This manual gives the client the freedom of making a choice based on experience. OPERATIONAL PLAN Company Locations and Facilities Occasions will be located inside the city limits of Jalandhar, Punjab. It will be a home-based business. Most meetings with clients will be conducted in social settings, such as restaurants, coffee houses, the clients home, facilities wishing to be used for the event, or over the phone. Occasions will eventually move from its home base into a small office complex, also within the city limits of Jalandhar, Punjab. When the company will have reached its finished point, Occasions will have branch offices in Jalandhar, Ludhiana, and Amritsar, and then the operations will be extended to other states in the country as well. The company will maintain a high degree of professionalism. All offices will be equipped with the latest in business technology, such as telephone systems, computers, fax machines, email, duplicators, printers, and software. Each location will have a secure storage area for supplies and equipment used in events, such as walkie-talkies, cellular phones, portable fax machines, and laptops. Services provided by the company Although Occasions is primarily a service business, we will offer products to aid our customers in planning the event themselves. The following products will be the tools used inside our operation for the best possible results: Party Pack The Party Pack is a complete kit for any party. It includes decorations, lighting effects guide, disposable theme cameras, cutlery, plates, napkins, cups, punch mix (or recipe), snack supplies (or recipe), tablecloths, theme music (where applicable), invitations, thank-you cards, and a step-by-step guide to planning, putting together, and hosting the event. Step-by-Step Guides These booklets include a calendar to map out the event, a step-by-step guide on what is needed for and how to put together a successful, worry-free event, resource information, popular refreshments with recipes, games, and tips to put their event in the record books. The events available include birthdays for all ages, meetings, retreats, parties, vacations, and special occasion celebrations such as graduations, holidays, showers, weddings, and receptions. Event Planning Software This cutting-edge tool will allow the client all the resources and visual aids for their event planning. They will be able to play with decoration themes, listen to theme music, design invitations, thank-you cards, and RSVP cards, use the interactive planning calendar, and much more. This software will bring their event into the millennium with cutting edge technology that is designed to save time and money. Resources Manual This valuable guide acts as a review for all the resources located in the surrounding area. A ranking is given to the various services, such as caterers, decorators, disc jockeys, bands, and facilities. This manual gives the client the freedom of making a choice based on experience. Free Event Planners Training for High School and College Students It will be our mission to support our community. Ten hours each month will be devoted to training area students in event planning. This will aid them in planning proms, graduation parties, river clean-ups, homecoming, and other important events. This will be a priority of Occasions. It will not be cut back as the business grows. Occasions will provide event planning in a wide range of applications. We guarantee satisfaction in the areas of appearance, performance, and taste. The following is a sampling of the types of events we plan every year: * Meetings, Trainings, and Retreats. * Conferences and Workshops. * Birthdays, Anniversaries, Graduations and Holidays. * Weddings, Receptions, and Showers. * Company picnics, banquets, and award ceremonies. Employees in the company The management team within Occasions will be small in the beginning. The primary employees will be the founders i.e our group members, who will plan events, then contract with caterers, decorators, disc jockeys, and bands to fill out the event. One of the group member will act as a contract labor site manager to work the events as a liaison and vendor coordinator. Thus, there will be four main employees as we are four number of people in the group.. When Occasions will reach its expansion goals, each office will have one to two event planners, an office assistant, two to three site managers for the events, and a product and marketing specialist. This team will function as one with constant communication through weekly staff meetings, email, and message boards. All jobs are interrelated. The performance of one effects the performance of the others; therefore, each team member expects nothing but the best from each other. As it functions currently, we see no gaps in the management of this organization. Should Occasions grow beyond its estimated size, more positions in specialized areas will need to be added as well as additional site support and office assistance. To fill these positions, Occasions will look for energetic, teachable, detail-oriented persons who want the potential to grow and improve their skills within the organization. Occasions want to be the best; therefore, they will hire those who want to succeed. MANAGEMENT SUMMARY: Organizational Structure The management team within Occasions will be small in the beginning. The primary employees will be the founders, i.e four members of our group who will plan events, then contract with caterers, decorators, disc jockeys, and bands to fill out the event. A contract labor site manager will be on hand to work the events as a liaison and vendor coordinator. Thus, there will be five main employees with various levels of vendors. When Occasions reaches its expansion goals, each office will have one to two event planners, an office assistant, two to three site managers for the events, and a product and marketing specialist. This team will function as one with constant communication through weekly staff meetings, email, and message boards. All jobs are interrelated. The performance of one effects the performance of the others; therefore, each team member expects nothing but the best from each other. As it functions currently, we see no gaps in the management of this organization. Should Occasions grow beyond its estimated size, more positions in specialized areas will need to be added as well as additional site support and office assistance. To fill these positions, Occasions is looking for energetic, teachable, detail-oriented persons who want the potential to grow and improve their skills within the organization. Occasions wants to be the best; therefore, we will hire those who want to succeed. Financial Plan Service-based business requires funds to start up and, as they grow and expand, less funds to maintain. The charts and graphs that follow will show that investment up front allows Occasions to function debt-free with little overhead. This gives Occasions aquickerbreak-even point and increased profit margins from the start. As Occasions grows, the debt-free philosophy will be maintained until it is impossible to function during growth periods without financial assistance. OCCASIONS WEAK MONTH YEAR MARRIAGES 1 4 48 BIRTHDAYS, ANNINERSARIES, ETC 2 8 96 BUSINESS MEETINGS 1 4 48 SALES OR REVENUE FOR THE YEAR MARRIAGES = 1*50000*48=RS.2400000/- BIRTHDAYS = 1*25000*96=RS.2400000/- MEETINGS = 1*15000*48=RS.720000/- TOTAL REVENUE/SALES = RS.5520000/- CAPITAL INTRODUCED = 4*150000=RS.600000/- LAND OWNED RENOVATION RS. 300000/- EXPENSES: ELECTRICITY CHARGES RS. 60000/- TELEPHONE CHARGES RS. 14400/- REFRESHMENT CHARGES RS. 36000/- TRAVELLING CHARGES RS. 60000/- STAFF 2*6000=12000*12=RS.144000/- 2*12000=24000*12=RS.288000/- MIS. CHARGES RS. 54000/- ASSETS PURCHASED: COMPUTER 2*20000=RS.40000/- AIR CONDITIONER 2*25000=RS.50000/- FURNITURE AND FITTINGS RS.50000/- Key Financial Indicators The break-even point for Occasions is based on the assumption that we will produce 16 events per month and average approximately RS.15000/- per event. Currently, we average more than this assumption for our public and private organization events. The break-even point will appear more rapidly for Occasions than for other types of home-based businesses. Break even Analysis: Break even unit: 2 Monthly Units 16 Monthly Sales RS.46000/- Assumptions: Per-Unit Revenue 28750 Monthly Variable Cost 45200 Monthly Fixed Cost 14500 Leading the industry in event planning requires the use of the resources available at the lowest cost. As noted in the table, we spend less money on overhead than other event planners with an outside office or office space in their own facility. This savings allows us to market in creative ways and spend funds on expansion into other areas, when the time is right. PROJECTED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SALES 5520000 EXPENSES: ELECTRICITY CHARGES 60000 TELEPHONE CHARGES 14400 REFRESHMENT CHARGES 36000 STAFF SALARY 432000 ADVERTISE MENT 60000 TRAVELLING CHARGES 60000 MISCELLANEOUS 54000 TOTAL OPERATING EXP. RS.716400/- PROFIT BEFORE INT. AND TAX 5520000-716400=RS. 4803600/- INTEREST NIL TAX (40%) 1921440 NET PROFIT RS.2882160/-

Monday, August 19, 2019

An Inspector Calls By J.B Priestley :: English Literature:

An Inspector Calls By J.B Priestley An Inspector calls beings with the Birling family celebrating Shelia's engagement to Gerald Croft, Mr Birlings friends son. In the beginning of the play the light is 'pink and intimate' until the unexpected arrival of the Inspector we find the light change symbolises start of an investigation put under the spotlight, being brought out of their own world into reality. The inspectors arrival is unexpected to the family 'some trouble about a warrant' Mr Birlings first thought to what the arrival of the inspector might be and shrugs it as if their could be no greater concern. The inspector explains his reason of why he is here. The inspector starts to question Mr Birling the head of the family. The inspector asks how Eva Smith was apart of Mr Birlings work. Mr Birling explains his involvement with Eva Smith of how she worked for him and asked for a pay rise and was fired from her job by Mr Birling. After the questioning of Mr Birling the inspector questions Shelia who is shown to an innocent girl, we out find after the questioning that it was Shelia who had Eva Smith fired from her second job because of her jealousy over Eva Smith. After revealing her involvement she starts to blame herself. But the inspector tells her that it wasn't her who made her commit suicide. At the end of act one we find Gerald in a sign of recognition when he hears the name Daisy Renton (Eva Smith's second name when she changed it to find herself a second job). Before the closing of the first act we see Shelia question Gerald where had he known Eva Smith. Gerald explains that he had known her from last summer. We see the irony when Shelia says 'I don't believe I will. (Half playful, half serious, to Gerald.) So you be careful.' She laughs at the fact that the 'important work' Gerald was at last summer was probably knows that Gerald was having an affair. After act one we find the irony of what was said by Gerald 'You seem to be a nice well-behaved family-' and Mr Birlings reply 'Well we think we are'. The exit of Eric shows us that there is more to Eric's involvement than the others which is hidden in Act one until the end because of his drunkenness the inspector leaves him last to be questioned. At the end of act one the audience is left at suspense when Gerald is approached by the inspector we find a great intensity

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Industrial Revolution :: essays research papers

American dream promises equal opportunity to pursuit one’s happiness, personal wellbeing, and reward for all those Americans and immigrants who endure, overcome, and ultimately prevail hardships. However during the era of American Industrialization, many people were exploited and forced to work or else face starvation. New inventions increased the rate of production and the efficiency of the workers, thus greatly increasing profit. Success of capitalism further promoted continuation of exploitations lead on by few rich that are influential. American Industrialization had a negative effect on many groups of people, who were pursuing the great American Dream, and yet oppressed by selfish, greed driven upper class. With the introduction of the machinery, factory owners no longer needed â€Å"skilled† craft workers for production of factory goods. The machines performed faster, better and with more reliability. At most jobs in factories required neither great strength no sp ecial skills any more. The owners thought women could do the work just as well as or better than men. In addition, they were more â€Å"docile† and â€Å"compliant†. Therefore, many women workers were hired during the progressivism era. Even though the wage was low, working hours were long and working condition was less than satisfactory, these women had no choice but to work, for they need to support their family. The tale of Rose Stokes is a good example. The factory owners were getting richer and richer, by cutting wages, and providing less compensation for his workers. Many times, women went on strike to protest the wage cut and hour increase. Nevertheless, it proved useless, because of the rapid influx of poor immigrants arriving into United States from Europe: to earn a living, these immigrants were willing to accept even lower wages and poorer working conditions. Women in America did not have the right to vote until the year 1920. If women fought harder for thei r right to vote and gained suffrage earlier, I believe that women would have had a louder voice in the society, in turn better raise awareness of the exploitation and demand better treatment. In colonial America, most manufacturing was done by hand at home. Relationships between the employer and workers were generally harmonious. They worked side by side, shared the same interest and held similar political views. However during the era of American Industrialization, as towns grew in cities, the demand for manufactured goods increased. Employers no longer worked with his employees.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Case Study Week

If your international firm were doing business in Asia, is there anything that your company could do to ease the tensions these cultures are experiencing? Be specific. If my company started or planned on doing business in Asia it should be my job to try and fit in with the culture of Asia with respect, not saying that I have to change my whole life to suit them, but for instance if you speak a language it should be my job to learn and speak and adapt, not come o Asia speaking only English and expect everyone to do the same, it isn't fair. . In your opinion, is globalization among the causes of the increasing incidence of divorce, crime, and drug abuse in Asia? Why or why not? Crime and violence is all over the world no matter where you live, but I have to say after reading a little bit of the story and thinking yes it could be a cause, with the ports open to trading and the lines of communication are more advanced like internet, television.You live dress a certain way and all a sudde n you append to get a glance at other girls are dressing, all of a sudden you're talking with someone from America, you start hearing the type of freedom you have to way life is being lived, then the person from Asia get curious, what to try and explore a whole new world, then word get around and everyone wants to go 3. Broadly defined, Asia comprises more than 60 percent of the world's population-? a population that practices Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, and numerous other religions.Thus, do you hind it is possible to carry on a valid discussion of â€Å"Asian† values? Why or why not? For me Religion is not a subject that talk about too broad and you'll never win in any debate, everyone has their opinion. All the practices listed above all have a different way of living, like what they eat, drink, how they dress, treat people. So if you don't have much information or knowledge to hold a conversation you'll be up against a big battle. So the best thing to do would be to know about each religion in detail to avoid conflict. Consider the following statement: â€Å"Economic development and capitalism require a certain style of doing business in the twenty- first century. The sooner Asian cultures adapt the better. † Do you agree or disagree? Explain. There are many companies that are trying to learn how to adapt to the Asia culture by doing so you have a better chance of doing business and being successful. There's no rule that says cultures need to adapt they can make changes but they need to stay true to what they believe in and stay true to them.

Graffiti Art

Brandon Salcido Art Graffiti is defined as the act of inscribing or drawing on walls for the purpose of communicating a message to the general public. The term comes from the Greek term â€Å"Graphein,† which means ‘to write. ‘ It has been around since men first started drawing pictures in caves. The question as to whether any forms of graffiti can be considered art is controversial. Is it vandalism when it is placed on the side of a building or car and art when it is on a canvas on someone's wall or in a gallery; what’s the difference? Graffiti can be considered art because it contains artistic elements. It communicates the artist's expression to the viewer, and the traditional art community has already accepted it. Since the root of the word â€Å"graffiti† is â€Å"to write,† then it can be interpreted as a human need for communication. Motives for producing this art vary immensely from artist to artist. Graffiti artists who are drawn to the art form for individual expression are much more creative with their work. They turn to it because they believe that the hip-hop style is the closest representation of who they are as a person. This type of artist usually works to master intricate designs of graffiti that say more than just their street names, but offer very appealing aesthetics. Without a better understanding of why artists turn to graffiti, it is not surprising that the average person's image of this type of artist is far from accurate. A majority of people tend to associate graffiti with vandalism. They think most of these artists are hoodlums or gang-bangers with nothing better to do with their time, when statistics now show that more than one-half of graffiti artists come from white middle- and upper-class homes in the suburban areas. Vandalism and graffiti derive from very different motives and environments. I believe there is a fine line between the two.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Food and beverage Management Essay

I have read and understood the London School of Business and Finance Regulations and Policies relating to academic misconduct. I declare that: This submission is entirely my own original piece of work. It has not been submitted for a previous assessment in LSBF or any other institution. Wherever published, unpublished, printed, electronic or other information sources have been used as a contribution or component of this work, these are explicitly, clearly and individually acknowledged by appropriate use of quotation marks, citations, references and statements in the text. I understand that penalties will be incurred for late submission of work. STUDENT SIGNATURE: Ahonou Rosalie DATE: 21/09/2014 NOTE – Please complete the details below Have you submitted any Reasonable Adjustment Requests? Yes / No Date of submission: TASK 1 Understand different food and beverage production and service systems LO1. 1. 1 The characteristics of food production and food and beverage service systems INTRODUCTION Food production and food and beverage service systems is about an area where menu is planned, raw materials are purchased and received. It is also about Food service where Food and beverage are provided to the guests included a wide range of styles and cuisine types, all alcoholic and non- 1 / 3 alcoholic drinks. To make a successful Food and Beverage Service, you need to develop well interpersonal skills, product knowledge skills to buy raw material. Food and Beverage Production I am going to explain some methods: Traditional Partie Method: the majority of food is buying condiments or raw. It is easy to provide the receipt and store goods, the preparation, cooking, holding and service of food and there are dishwashing facilities as well. That method is good for the staff because the staff can move quickly from their place to the service counter (the distance is short). The communication link-up is necessary for the department and food flow is systematic. There is easy access to raw food materials from storage areas. Centralised Production Method: centralised production methods explain how the separation of the production and service components of the food flow system work or operate by place or time or both. So food that is centrally produced is distributed to the point of the point of service in batches or pre-portioned. It could be transported in a ready-to-eat box or in a ready-to-serve state, for example hot or frozen food. I give some advantages of centralised production methods â€Å"the introduction of a storage stage between production and service allows the production unit to work to maximum efficiency and with a better utilisation of staff and equipment† and â€Å"energy consumption can be reduced by careful scheduling and by a continuous run of single products†. Here is a disadvantage of centralised production method â€Å"hygiene problems or food contamination could have big repercussions than a problem in an individual kitchen. Cook-Freeze Production Methods: the word cook-freeze involves a catering system which is based on the whole cooking of food and followed by quick freezing. That food is stored in a controlled low temperature of -18 degree Celsius or less then is followed by subsequent complete reheating close to the consumer, prior to prompt consumption. The process involves raw food, food storage, pre- preparation, cooking, portioning, blast freezing, cold storage, distribution, regeneration. Cook-Chill Production Methods: it is the same process with Cook-Freeze production. The only different are that the cooking of food is stored in a controlled low temperature, but just above freezing point and then between 0 degree Celsius to +3 degree Celsius. Therefore it has a short shelf life compared to cook-freeze of up to five days including the day of production, distribution time and regeneration. The process involves raw food, cooking, portioning, blast chilling, chill storage, distribution, regeneration. The benefits of Cook-Chill and Cook-Freeze to the employers: there will have a portion control and a reduced waste, the production will be adjusted, the staff time will be fully utilised, no more weekend work and overtime. To the customers: the variety and selection of food will increased, the standards will be maintained with a quality improvement and the services can be maintained at all times even no staff. Sous vide methods: the sous vide system involves the preparation of quality raw foods, pre-cooking when necessary. You put or placed the raw foods into special plastic bags and you vacuum the air from the special plastic bags and then you seal properly the bags. After sealing you steam cooking to pasteurisation temperatures. From then the food product can be served direct to the customers at this stage or can be chilled quickly to +1 degree Celsius to +3 degree Celsius and stored between 0 degree Celsius to +3 degree Celsius for a maximum of twenty-one days. That method increases the potential shelf-life of normal coo-chill in three ways: when you remove the air from the plastic bags the growth of bacteria is restricted. Because the food is cooked at pasteurisation temperatures that helps the destruction of most microorganisms and finally because the food has been sealed within the bags is protected during storage any regeneration from any contamination. Different services of Food and Beverage systems Table d’hote menus: this type of menu contains the popular type dishes and is easier to control because the price has already been fixed for whatever the customer chooses, that setting depend on the main dish chosen. The characteristics of a table d’hote menu are being a restricted menu, offering a small number of courses (three or four), limited choice within each course, fixed selling 2 / 3 price and all the dishes are being ready at a set time. A la carte menus: a la carte menu is a larger menu than a table d’hote menu and offer a variety choice. The menus are listing under the course headings and then the establishment could prepare all the dishes. Those dishes will be prepared to order and each dish will also be priced separately. A la carte menu is more expensive than a table d’hote menu because it contains often the exotic and high cost seasonal foods. Table service: the customer enters in the restaurant and takes seat, he/her makes the order from the menu and the Staff brings it to him/her. After finish dinning the staff clears the table. Sectors where there are food service industry: Bistro, Brasserie, Coffee Shop, First Class Restaurants, Cafeteria, Fast-food outlets and Licensed Bars. For all those sectors, the main aim is to achieve customer satisfaction, for that everything you do should meet the customers’ needs physiologically, economically, socially, psychologically and convenience. The Staff should have knowledge or experience in Food and Beverage service. The restaurant should have service methods and necessary staff skills. They should have a higher level of cleanliness and hygiene; have an idea of value for money or price and also the atmosphere. The staff should know how to make the preparation for service (Mis-en-place), take customer food and beverage order, clean for hygiene, and make the bill. They should control the atmosphere in order to satisfy customers’ needs. 1. 2 The factors that affect recipes and menus for specific systems The restaurant should establish a clear list of menu to inform customers what is available to them. The Staff provides a general presentation of the menu on the course headings that should be attractive, clean, and easy to read for language, price, sales mix with accuracy, show the size and form, layout of the menu, nutritional content, health and eating, and special diets (inform people who are allergic, diabetic, have low cholesterol and low sodium). Also the cultural and religious dietary influences can affect recipes and menus as well. Example Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Roman Catholics, Vegetarians. 1. 3 Comparison of the coast and the staffing implications POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).       Â